Amazon Keyword Tool

Amzonestep is a bunch of full-fledged e-commerce consultants with an associate sharp understanding of the web business framework’s dependence on quality-driven listing creation and optimization with the help of Amazon Keyword Tool. We know specifically what options to spotlight from your product to create positive With us, With Amazon Seller Services your product is in safe hands.Call today for a free estimate.

FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

Universally, it goes without saying that a face is the most crucial factor for an immediate first impression. Unarguably, in the Amazon marketplace, that first impression of a product is all a buyer needs to make a split decision about it. The conversion rates of your amazon listings are heavily dependent on your Amazon product photography and brand image, but most of all, the face of your Main Image.



The game is now more challenging than ever. More than 50% of Amazon sales are contributed by third-party sellers, making a massive number of over 2.5 million sellers. One better and more competitive than the next. So how is one supposed to stand out in the crowd after all?



As an invested seller, you need to look beyond the front lines. Think bigger and picture what represents my product and exactly where? The main image will be one, but its impact can be observed in various places such as the main product page, amazon search results, external search engines, thumbnails, etc. Therefore, your target must be equally diversified. No matter where it shall appear, it has to look fantastic.  



Let us divulge into the bag of tricks we have for producing unique and outstanding main images, so you could lock down maximum buyer attention and ultimately convert sales.




Use High-quality Camera



The first thing you need to do to make your main image stand out is to make sure you’re using a high-quality camera. A sharp-looking image is the first step in gaining customer trust. It delivers the message of confidence and will move the potential buyer to subconsciously create a connection between product quality and high-quality image display.


A high-quality image works like an open book that will allow customers to observe every nook and crevice of the product to their satisfaction. Besides looking superb on the main product page, it will also appear more attractive in the search results page, making your listing stand out from the crowd. 



Maximize Visibility



The second thing you can do is make use of professional editing services. Ensure your image is cropped with such finesse that your audience is convinced of a naturally white background, leave no room for doubt. Poor cropping skills produce an extremely undesirable effect on the customer, leaving them with the impression your service is of low quality. 



What you have to do next is eliminate any extra blank space within the frame to give maximum product coverage. This will make your product appear more bold and prominent on the main image. Amazon itself recommends covering 85% of the main image with product photography. We recommend you push it as high as the frame allows without overcompensating visibility, of course. The buyers are more likely to choose your product by simply being prompted to look at the bolder image among other competitors. This way, your chances increase significantly in getting more clicks than them. 



Shoot With A Unique Angle



Differentiation by a unique angle is a bold and creative idea. Shooting your product from a creative angle can help you grab the buyers’ attention and increase your click-through rate. After all, standing out from the crowd is your target here. Why not do something fun to help it? Although keep in mind that this shoot should still comply with the Amazon guidelines and display your product’s face as clear as possible. 



Run A Split Test



The last thing you cannot afford to miss out on optimizing your main image is to Split Test your shortlisted choices. No matter how good looking the main image you think is, you can’t know if it's the right choice until you split test them. You may use testing tools such as Pikfoo to split test the main image. This way, you can attain results instantly, or you can use 30 days for the first image and 30 days on the next image live on amazon. This should provide you with accurate results to help you check which image is performing better.




An Important Note:



Keeping the Amazon guidelines in mind, we understand that there might not be much you can do for your main image since Amazon does not allow extra visuals other than the product itself. Many sellers make the mistake of including icons, badges, text, or props in their images to make it stand out, but we advise against it. Amazon can suppress such listings during randomized checkups anytime. It seems rightfully tricky to make your main image stand out when the only thing allowed is just a bland photograph of your product devoid of external help.




Final Thoughts



It cannot be stressed enough that your main image is everything. Hopefully, now that you have a few tricks up your sleeve, you will find it easier to make your Amazon Listing stand out. And remember not to shy away from asking for professional help if you need it—we expertise in Product Photography For Amazon and professional editing services. 






How Do I Optimize An Amazon Listing With Variations?

The eCommerce industry can be described as a fully customer-driven industry. Online consumers form the backbone of the internet shopping industry and there is no stopping in the expansion of the online market. To convince the buyers, the sellers need to provide them with numerous choices and shopping convenience.


This is where Amazon listing optimization is required to bring out the product variations to the buyers. Amazon product variations facilitate brands to exhibit their variations of the same product to the buyers.




Now how to optimize the listings along with Amazon PPC campaign? This article will cover the important points related to listings and how you can optimize them.




Why variate Amazon products?


Creating listing with variations of Amazon products brings out several advantages for both the sellers and the buyers. Here the top 3 advantages of variation Amazon products:




  • Increase in product visibility


There can be products that are buried in the search results and customers often do not find those products in their relevant search results. As a result, the customers miss the products and this can be a problem. Amazon listing optimization can help bring out the products up in the search results and increase the chances of purchase.




  • Increase in conversions


It is important to keep the customer’s attention to your products and this can be achieved by variating the product listing in Amazon. Along with the Amazon PPC campaign, you can combine Amazon listing optimization and increase the time your customers stay on your product page. Remember that the longer the customer will longer on your page, the higher are the chances of conversions.




  • Increase in sales


By the time we have tweaked the product variation listing in Amazon, you must remember that your ultimate goal is to increase the sales of your Amazon products. You have increased the visibility of your products and tweaked the conversions as well. Now the listing variations will drive in sales by combing with your Amazon PPC campaign.




How to optimize Amazon listing with variations?



Wondering how the properly optimize your Amazon listings with variations? Here are the top suggestions related to Amazon listing optimization so that you can streamline your products for optimum performance.




  • Choosing the right variation themes


Organizing your products is easier now. You will find numerous themes available based on parameters such as color, size, and product weight. Make sure that the products you are selling to the customers fall in one of these variations. Strategically organizing your listings based on the themes will contribute to the convenience of the customers and they will no longer be confused with their purchases.




  • Eliminate the confusion related to variation


Still not sure about how your customers will perceive your listing with variations? Well simply go for the testing of user experience under Amazon listing optimization. For instance, if you have two or more themes on your product listing, make sure that your customers are not confused with the color, size, and product weight. Have a look at your top-performing competitors and explore their variations as well.




  • Acknowledge customer experience


The ultimate goal of variating your Amazon listing is to facilitate the transactions of your customers. You must concentrate on setting up the product variations which are quite easy to navigate and this reducing the confusion related to the purchase process. Remember that if your customers feel disappointed with the experience, then your reviews will be negatively impacted.




This article sums up the top methods you can use while you perform Amazon listing optimization. AmzOneStep suggests combining your variations along with your Amazon PPC campaign to get the desired results. Remember to adhere to the above-mentioned points and carefully investigate your competitor's variations as well.

COVID-19 And Its Impact On Amazon Third-Party Sellers

More than 50% of the Amazon sales are made through third-party sellers and since everybody is confined to their homes with no safe alternative but to shop online, a massive surge of online supply and demand has taken place, leaving amidst its third-party sellers in unmitigated waters and much uncertainty. 



In the wake of reality-altering pandemic known as coronavirus, almost everyone has felt the wrath. From disturbed routine to limitation from the outside world, it hasn’t been easy for the most. More specifically, all those heroes out there doing their best to keep the world running by providing not only everyday essentials but also time occupying deliveries to their panic-ridden consumers whose sole purpose seems to be mass hoarding essentials like toilet paper.



It’s an understatement to say matching the demand with supply has been only one of the many challenges Amazon FBA sellers are facing these days.  



Ban Over Non-Essential Categories


To match a smooth supply to an increased demand for products, Amazon recently restricted its FBA sellers to 6 essential categories: Baby, Health & Household, Beauty & Personal Care (including personal care appliances), Grocery, Industrial & Scientific, and Pet Supplies.



This ban was announced to be lifted by the 5th of April but it seems Amazon is still navigating on that front and there has been no relief to the sellers whose non-essential shipments are no longer being accepted by Amazon. This inbound freeze has affected about 53% FBA sellers.   



The vendors whose sole bridge to the customers is Amazon are now looking at alternatives such as FBM.



Disruption In Supply Chain


The domino effect took place long before the USA came into contact with the deadly virus. Sources report that sellers felt a serious decline in sales due to supply disruption in China, where Chinese suppliers and factories were facing serious ramifications from the COVID-19 outbreak. Unable to produce and import goods globally, the ripples could be felt around the world.



Major Delay In Shipment


Amazon is famous for its fast delivery services. With Amazon Fresh, you could get same-day deliveries on groceries and produce. The Prime users could enjoy free deliveries within two days, and the Amazon Dash could take care of necessary household items just before depletion. 



Due to the effects of CoronaVirus, Amazon’s promises have taken a great toll. Even with a temporary hold on the selling of non-essential goods, Amazon may be meeting ends but it is not as smooth as it used to. Even the regular 5-8 day delivery has taken an unsavory stretch to as long as a month! 



In a frenzy of buying, with limited workers, and health & safety measures it is proving challenging for Amazon to deliver on its previous standards. As a result of late shipments, many customers are canceling their orders after finding out their orders will take too long to arrive.



Decline In Consumer Spendings


We found out through a survey that around 80 million jobs may be lost due to the spread of COVID-19. These are mainly jobs relating to luxury services, tourism, and travel. 



The people are currently concerned with self-preservation more than anything else. The buying focus has been limited to survival at home and making life efficient within the comfort of their walls. 



Since people are spending less on items outside the essential categories, more is spent over goods like health, food, child, and pet care. 



Sellers dealing with non-essential items are either facing this difficulty despite turning to other methods than FBA.



Moreover, due to delay in Prime Day (usually held around mid-July, now postponed till August) will likely also bring a major setback to sellers as mass materialism allows them to single-handedly generate a huge spike in revenue.  



How Amazon Sellers Should Combat These Difficulties?



These may be trying times and to make sure Amazon Sellers survive through this epidemic, here are a few suggestions sellers can apply to see their business through. 


Give FBM a try – With inbound shipment freeze, many sellers are already considering Fulfillment By Merchant. Since Amazon is unable to fulfill, you don’t have to sit around feeling trapped and helpless. Try fulfilling your products by yourself, if you have a storage area. A plus advantage of switching to FBM would be the buy box. Currently, Amazon has been favoring the FBM sellers who are able to meet ends better than FBA sellers for the placement in the buy box. 




Halt advertising or spend less on it  –  With the economy being at stake, many businesses are making a practice of cutting down on costs and saving up for harsher times. Since we do not know how long this spell may go on, it is a wise choice to temporarily cut down on extra costs such as advertising. Amazon itself is urging sellers to do the same. 




Change your strategies – With Chinese suppliers out of the question, you can look for other sources such as local businesses. Many sellers are showing support to their communities by sourcing from them in order to avoid further delays in shipment and communication issues. Meanwhile, the customers will likely be more pleased as well with less damage to the ecosystem. Besides that, where applicable, you can also go for homemade production of goods, or 3D print your own items! Other sellers are reaching out to suppliers outside china and the US such as  Vietnam, Mexico, Taiwan, and more. 



Update your inventory to hot selling products – Right now, as we have observed, there are certain categories that are hot to sell and consume alike. Products such as DIY projects, self-grooming & care kits, fitness, home office supplies, medical supplies, and pet care products are very in. Seling products such as these may prove quite beneficial to the sellers. 



Most importantly, stay informed – Staying on top of current news and updates is the way to make sure you don’t miss out on important trends and updates regarding amazon.



Source: Amz One Step



Amazon Product Photography | Amazon PPC Campaign


Amazon PPC Campaign

At AMZ One Step, We strive for excellence in each area of Amazon PPC Campaign. Our work is to make sure that we exceed your expectations and add value to your brand. Your product idea is worth millions, Let us make it look like one.

5 Key Takeaways To Grow Your Amazon Sell In This Pandemic With Amazon PPC

Amazon is the number one online market place, according to a statistics more 197 million people worldwide, visit amazon to buy their products online. It is a huge count! Amazon is the most reliable platform for shopping, not only for consumers but also for the sellers. A lot of people sell successfully on Amazon, but success needs a strategy. 




A great strategy to be successful on Amazon is Amazon PPC Management. General management of PPC campaigns is a proper skilled based task, but when it comes to a pandemic situation like COVID 19, methods and techniques regarding selling have changed a lot. 




In this pandemic, people have isolated, which changed their preferences of buying products similarly, the sales of different product categories have also affected. Some categories like pharmaceuticals, groceries, home-office supplies have taken off while some have just grounded. 




How Amazon PPC Campaign Grows Your Business?



Amazon PPC (pay per click) advertising has significant impacts on your sales because when a seller or vendor runs the PPC campaign, they are buying the top places for the visibility of their products. Sellers who avail the potential of PPC by building a strategic advertising campaign, raise their business significantly year by year. But if you lack a defined strategy, it will make it difficult for you to achieve your Amazon PPC campaign goals.




What Is Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC)?



Amazon PPC is a publicizing model offered by amazon in which promoters (sellers /vendors) pay a cost to Amazon when a customer taps on their (pay-per-click) advertisement. There are three Amazon PPC modules available which are:



  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands 
  • Product Display Ads (PDAs) 



Sponsored Products – when sellers empower their products through Keywords focused promotions. 



Sponsored Brands – when brands advertise to advance their custom features, brand logo, and up to 3 products. With the extent to send buyers on their store pages or a greeting page on amazon.



Product Display Ads – This advertisement type is only accessible for amazon vendors. These Promotions/ ads send customers to the Amazon product detail pages directly. It works best for interest focused buyers to deliver them the relevant product ads they actively look.




5 Key Takeaways With Amazon PPC Campaign  




The Generalized Pandemic trends on amazon pay per click subject during the pandemic situation are as follows; 




  • Huge Online Traffic 


During the pandemic, the whole world passed through the lockdown situation (coming to its end now), which generalized some pandemic trends in Amazon PPC. Like, People at home started to buy each and everything online resulting in massive online traffic (clicks on ads and products) 




  • Online Traffic Ad Revenue And Ad Spend Overall Volume Have Intensified


It is so apparent that when traffic increases, it leads to higher advertising revenue and spend. Besides, brands have higher demands, and better advertising pays. They can raise their advertising spend because it will generate higher revenues than spend. 





  • Advertising Efficiency In Terms Of ACoS And ROAS



ACoS (Advertising Cost of sale) and ROAS (Return on ad spend) are the different sides of a similar picture. It shows you the values you that what have you spent on advertising and, in return, what have you achieved. Keeping records of these insights and putting the right effort will make you able to generate revenues in this pandemic.  





  • Low Competition 



Another critical aspect to consider is, overall competition has decreased, so due to this reason, costs per click have lowered. The pandemic situation was unpredictable in estimating the exact sales or conversion rates because conversion rates were so fluctuating.




However, All these trends showed an increase in advertising investment (but all business needs strategy).




What is the Average Cost Per Click (CPC) Offered By Amazon?



On Amazon, the average CPC ordinarily goes from $0.02-$3. Your standard CPC can likewise differ significantly depending upon the Amazon item class or subcategory you sell in, and how severe your specialty is. 



How To Bid For Amazon PPC?



The Cost-Per-Click (CPC) on Amazon will consistently rely upon the most elevated bidder: 




Every Seller presents a default offer (the greatest they are eager to pay) for their advertisement. The most noteworthy bidder wins the most elevated advertisement position (promotion rank #1) and will likewise pay the highest CPC.




If a seller successes the sale with an offer of $4.00. If someone clicks their promotion, the expense of the snap charged to Advertiser 3 will be $3.51.


Amazon PPC Campaign

Amz One Step's Amazon PPC Experts work intensively to help you manage to pay per click advertising campaigns and lower your costs. A customized dashboard is created using an established tracking mechanism that provides feedback on key metrics such as ACOS and CTR.


We’re the prime Amazon PPC management agency, providing sellers with top-notch PPC services that are made to reach a wide spectrum of customers and enhance sales to a greater extend. From setting up the ideal bids to adding result-oriented keywords to targeting the right audience, our Amazon PPC experts can drive you the best return on your investment.

6 Steps to Selling Services on Amazon
6 Steps to Selling Services on Amazon

Think of Amazon Home Services, as an Uber for B2C services: Through AHS, Amazon customers can easily source a variety of services by connecting to those service providers in their neighborhoods. Curious about becoming an Amazon Service Provider?


Follow these six steps to Selling Services on Amazon; apply to the program, set up your account, and start connecting with prospective clients in your area.

1. Apply for Amazon Home Services
2. Set Up Your Amazon Home Services Profile
3. Create Your Packages
4. Use Seller Central
5. Create Custom Services
6. Receive Payment


Amazon Keyword Tool

Things are already looking up in some of the countries that were hit originally with the virus outbreak. For the rest of us, it may still stretch out for months until things are finally under control. Leaving your Amazon PPC management hanging dry completely may not be the best cost-effective idea.


Amazon PPC Campaigns running with budget-friendly refocused spendings, smart operation, and new opportunities to avail, even small businesses may be able to hold through the tough times.

How Amazon Sellers Should Combat Covid-19 difficulties
How Amazon Sellers Should Combat Covid-19 difficulties

These may be trying times and to make sure Amazon Sellers survive through this epidemic, here are a few suggestions sellers can apply to see their business through.

  1. Give FBM a try
    Halt advertising or spend less on it
    Change your strategies
    Update your inventory to hot selling products
    Most importantly, stay informed



Easy Way to Track Amazon Keywords Ranking Using AMZ WordSpy

You must have heard sellers talking about ranking on page one of Amazon. But the majority of these sellers are trying to rank on one keyword only. But Amazon is a keywords game. Customers find their product by typing keywords in the search bar. Products which appear in front are most likely to get the most amount of sales. So how do you get the high Amazon Keywords Ranking?


Then why sellers are worried about ranking on one main keyword only?

The answer to that is simple. It is a very time-consuming process to keep track of all keywords ranking and it’s even harder to keep track of all your ASIN positions on Amazon keywords. But not anymore, AMZ WordSpy’s new ASIN Tracker feature has made it super simple for all sellers to keep track of their keyword tracking.


Before we get to that, Let’s find out why it is important to keep track of keyword ranking?

As I mentioned earlier that Amazon is a keywords game. More keywords you rank on, more traffic you get and which leads to more sales. Therefore, it is very beneficial to track all your keywords ranking. See where you are gaining ranking and where you are losing ranking. So that you can adjust your listing accordingly.


Steps to Track your Amazon Keywords Ranking:

  • Find your targeted keywords: First thing first, Do your proper keyword research and figure out keywords you want to rank and keep track of. If you are not sure how to find the right keywords, you can find keywords from any Amazon Keyword Tool like AMZ WordSpy which comes with a free trial.

  • Add keywords in WordSpy: There are two options to select your keywords.
  1. Select from WordSpy results – Simply perform a search in WordSpy search bar and choose keywords you want from the results. Click on the ASIN Rank button on the top menu. Enter your ASIN and press OK.

  2.  Enter Keywords Manually:  You can also enter keywords manually yourself either by clicking on the ASIN rank button without selecting or using ASIN Tracker function from the home page.

    Check your Keywords Rank: Software will take about a few seconds to show you results of that ASIN including monthly sales and revenue. At the bottom of the screen, you are going to see the list of your keywords. Software fetches organics and sponsored ranking on your selected keywords in real-time. Click on the Save button on the top to start tracking. Now the software will automatically keep track of your keywords ranking and show you data, every time you come back to the software.

Monitor your Tracking: Come back to WordSpy to check and monitor your ranking reports. Go to your account dashboard > ASIN Tracker > Check Saved Keywords > 


What are Some other features on the ASIN Tracker?

  • Best Sellers Rank
  • Monthly Revenue
  • Monthly Sales
  • Reviews
  • History ofBSR
  • Price History
  • Keywords Tracking
  • Sponsored Keywords Rank Checker
  • Rating
  • Listing Score (coming soon)


How to understand the Amazon keywords report?

Take a look at this image once again and let me explain what each does each row means.

  • Keywords: Keywords you have selected for tracking will be shown in this column. You can add more keywords if you wish to.

  • Current rank: Current rank is the position where your listing is showing up in Amazon search results. Current changes quite often due to Amazon’s A9 algorithm ranking factors.

  • Ranked Page: Ranked page number tells you what page your listing is showing upon. Every seller must aim for ranking on page 1.

  • Previous Rank: The Previous rank is your listing position on a specific keyword in the previous week. The previous rank will show NA if you have just started tracking (less than one week).

  • Direction: There are three different directions in the tool. They are Up Down and No change. Up means rank getting lower which is a good sign. Lower rank the better. Rank 1 is an obvious winner because that means your product is showing up first when searches for that specific keyword. Down means, you are losing ranking and you need to focus on those keywords. No change means no movement in the rank since last week.

  • Graph: The tiny graph in the report indicates you each point per week. This helps in understanding how your overall ranking is performing.

  • PPC Rank: If you are running Amazon PPC campaign, then PPC rank will show you where your ad is showing on those keywords.

  • PPC Page Rank: Similar to PPC rank, PPC page rank tells you which page your ad is showing up. Both of these indicate if you need to change your bids or not.


AMZ WordSpy also provides the BSR and price history of the ASIN in the form of a chart. The chart helps in finding out how good this product was selling before. If the best seller rank had been high in the past that means this product is either not for you or it is just a seasonal product. If it sells well you can consider selling that product on Amazon. Similar goes with price history. Sometimes products sell well because it was being sold for a cheaper price and it stops selling when the price gets higher. That’s why it is crucial to understand the combination of price and BSR.



Amazon PPC Campaign Strategy
Amazon PPC Campaign Strategy

Amazon PPC Campaign strategy is to opt for a setting in your PPC campaign where you only go down on the bids. Lowering your bids in real-time when your PPC ad may have fewer chances of converting sales. Once you have selected this option, there is no raising it back up again, it only goes down.


  1. Dynamic bids ( Down Only)
  2. Dynamic Bids (Up and Down)
  3. Fixed Bids

8 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes While Clicking Products For Amazon



So you’re thinking about doing your own product photography on Amazon? Well, that’s not a bad idea.


Amazon Product photography is one thing that can either take you to the next level or can throw you out of the competition.


I am sure you know the value of photography for e-commerce and especially on Amazon selling, so I will not write much about it.


Know these 8 Mistakes Every Photographer Do While Clicking Products For Amazon- You better avoid it!


Limiting yourself to same angles


As a seller, you should keep in mind that buyers won’t be able to touch or handle your product. They would certainly avoid making a purchase if the product is not ‘well defined’. In order to eliminate their questions or uncertainty, you should take photographs of all the necessary angles that you think can make an impact.


You know your product better than anyone. Before thinking from the buyers’ perspective, think on your own as what angles will reflect my product better and will increase the chances of conversions.


As much as taking shots from the side, back, and bottom are important, you should also include close up shots because people love to see the textures and every small detail of the product.


This is how you can illustrate a closeup shot for your product on Amazon.


Over-complementing the product with Colorful Backgrounds


The main image of your product has to be on a white background since it’s an Amazon policy. We all know it!


But, it doesn’t mean that you will keep the rest of the images on colorful backgrounds. Though I am a hard critic of colorful backgrounds for the product images, you should use it if it is really complementing the product.


In short, the background should speak and compliment your product at the same time otherwise, it will lose its impact. The below picture has perfectly demonstrated colors that are complementing the product at the same time.


It all comes down to your personal preferences and what works best for your product. Of course, these types of shots will require a bit more hard work, but it is going to worth your time.


Using Cheesy Graphics


Remember, the things that you consider tiny are the ones that matter the most. Using awkward fonts, poor graphics, and obnoxious colors will reflect a poor impression of your brand that will eventually hurt your conversions.


Keep that in mind, small things matter!


If you use cheesy graphics on your product images, it will give you the worst turnaround than the area 51.


Amazon is not the place for these kinds of images. It will make your brand look fake and trustworthy, while at the same time, it will make you lose potential clicks and sales.


If you know the basics of photography and design, you would know that the font, typography, and colors really make a huge impact on the images.


The image shown is the perfect example of the worst image.

It’s like you’re selling the idea without engaging the customer. This formula no longer works in the eCommerce world.


Too much visual noise


You don’t get the word ‘visual noise’, right? But what if I tell you that it’s the most important mistake sellers do while taking photographs for their products?


Believe it or not, too much visual noise can adversely affect your photography.


This happens mostly due to non-professional cameras, un-trained photographers, and improper lighting conditions that create a recipe for disaster. Here is the perfect illustration of too much visual noise.


When unprofessional and untrained photography takes a zoom shot, it creates the noise that hurts the picture and you at the same time.


This is very much due to a high ISO – ISO is an ability of the camera that delivers clean images based on the surrounding lighting.



Not Staging the product properly


It’s all about creating the need for the product by giving it a realistic look through visuals. For example, if you’re selling Napkins, you should be shooting it with a bunch of flowers or dishes. Or if you’re selling something that people wear, it’s a great idea to shot a model wearing it.


Staging the product properly can add more context and relevancy to your product as your customer would be able to see the way your product will look at them.


Since buyers aren’t good at imagining, and as I said they can’t touch the product, you should focus on capturing it in a way that could give them a clear idea about what to expect.


However, you should keep in mind that whatever object you’re added in the shot should be totally relevant, otherwise, it will reduce the customer’s attention from the pain product.



Not Taking shots without a tripod


Well, this is the basis of product photography. You need still images, and for that; you need a tripod.


A tripod helps you to handle the camera steady while allowing you to adjust the angles easily. While your hands are free, you can reposition different angles according to your product.


Ignoring the need for Retouching your images

As a photographer, your primary goal should always be to take shots that are as pristine and clear as possible. The need for retouching is always there especially when you’re taking many shots. You have to make sure that there aren’t any wrinkles or dust particles on a product as that will count as a negative point otherwise.


This is basically done in the editing phase where you need to edit out the irrelevant things from the images.


Not Conveying a brand story


This is where you need to use the magic wand.


Images do tell a lot about a brand. And as you may have heard ‘they are your first impression’, which is totally right. In order to create a brand story through your shots, you need to start focusing on emotions more than the necessity because it sells.


It’s hard to swallow, but emotions are a great way to earn customer’s trust and loyalty. Especially, when you’re competing on the tough grounds with thousands of brands trying to win over you, you need to come with ideal images that could define your brand better than anyone.


At AMZ One Step, we create images that could distinguish you from your competitors and can make you stand out in the toughest niches. 


Customers are always picturing themselves using that item and they don’t prefer seeing the same style images again and again –  the lesson is, you need to come up with something unique that could define your product and your brand flawlessly.


Is it a good image or a bad image?


Uploading these types of product images on Amazon is like ruining your business out of your own hands. Though the structure of the glass is unique and flawless that leaves no question on the capability of the product itself, the way it has been portrayed is downsizing the brand.


So how does a good image looks like that defines a flawless brand story?


This is what we created for our client; though it’s the main image, we can’t really add emotions in it, but we tried our best to make it presentable and relatable at the same time. What do you think about this picture?


Back to the point; emotions! The foremost way to engage your target market is by adding emotions in your photographs that can persuade them to make a purchase. Well, the image below has the emotions incorporated!


Key Takeaways



Amazon Product Photography is all about capturing the images that can drive clicks and sales. To be very honest, Bad images are often one of the biggest reasons for the low performance of any Amazon business.


The better the image, the better it illustrates, the more it can sell.


With bad images, you’re most likely to lose clicks and sales that will prevent you from getting good organic rankings on Amazon.


So what good images really are for Amazon? The simple answer to this question is ‘anything that can make an impact while convincing a customer in making a purchase is good photography’.


Here are few takeaways of this blogs post



  • As an e-commerce seller, you should know that buyers won’t be able to touch or handle the product. Therefore; the need for taking shots from different angles is immense to bring clarity in the image.|

  • Avoid over complementing your images with colors. You should use a colorful theme only if it is really complementing the product otherwise, it is wiser to keep it on the white background.

  • Using Cheesy graphics is indeed a great way of ruining your brand image on your own.

  • When taking shots, focus on visual noise. Too much visual noise will remove away the charm of your product. You need to adjust the ISO setting to take perfect shots.

  • Stage your products properly and in accordance with the necessity. This is where you should be trying your best to illustrate the need or the necessity of the product.

  • Always use a tripod for product photography.

  • After taking the shots, you should spend a little time in the retouching of your images. Try to remove the curls or dust if they’re captured.

  • Every image of your listing should convey a brand story. And that is not earned by creating the necessity but rather by emotions which attracts the customer’s loyalty.

If you don’t plan to outsource your product photography, you need to follow this guide to create flawless images that can earn you good clicks and conversions – and something that can give you a competitive edge over your competitors.





Amazon PPC Management

Amazon PPC Campaign is an attention-grabbing and a very powerful marketing platform sponsored by Amazon’s website itself. It allows professional sellers to run advertising campaigns by indexing keywords to the product for increased visibility in search results or competitor’s listing, and if you do everything correctly, higher organic rankings

Amazon Listing Optimization
Amazon Listing Optimization

Listing your product isn’t the only thing that you need to do as a seller. That what you are doing.
Optimization is something that is required in every field. Your product listing needs to be optimized in order to rank higher in the product recommendation. Once you are ranked, you will be able to get a good number of sales based on your product niche. So, Amazon Listing Optimization is very important for you to generate sales.


All You Need To Know About Amazon PPC Campaigns

You’ve either just launched a brand new product without a proper clue or have found yourself short on Amazon PPC expertise, in both cases, I hope to be of help and download you on all information you need to know about Amazon PPC Campaigns and maintaining them.


Let’s face it. It is a cutthroat competition, where you have to fight tooth to nail in order to get a better spot on page one of Amazon because no really goes beyond page one to buy what they come looking for. Approximately 80% of the consumers buy from page one and even from this selected group, 70% of the buyers don’t look past the highest organic rankings. There’s no doubt you need a successful management strategy if you want your product to rank among the winners. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Amazon Keyword Tool

Best Amazon Keyword Research Strategy – It goes without saying that listing optimization holds the key to your success on Amazon.

You need an Amazon Keyword Tool. Like for Google SEO, there are tools that extract data directly from Google and show real-time searches and volumes. For Amazon, the story is quite the same. Along with Helium 10 and Merchant Words, WordSpy is also a great tool for your long-tail keyword research.


When it comes to Amazon product listing, keyword research is a fundamental part of Amazon listing optimization or optimized search on Amazon.

AMZ WordSpy, a product of an e-commerce giant “AMZ One Step” is an innovative keyword research tool that is primarily made for Amazon Sellers.